Please note our phone lines are currently closed for staff training.

If your request is urgent please email and someone will get back to you as soon as possible.

We will reopen tomorrow at 8.30am.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Emergency First Aid at Work (EFAW)1 day practical training at our UK wide venues or at your place of work
First Aid at Work - Blended 2 days practical with at home eLearning
First Aid at Work (FAW) Practical or Blended 3 days practical course your place of work
Basic Life Support + AED 3 hours of practical training
First Aid at Work Requalification2 days practical training
First Aid at Work Requalification - Blended 6hrs pre eLearning + 6hrs practical training
Emergency Paediatric First Aid 1 day practical training
Full Paediatric First Aid - for OFSTED registration1 day practical + 1 day eLearning + optional EFAW at our UK wide venues or at your place of work
Essential Parent First Aid - Online 4 hours online
Full Paediatric + EFAW (2 Certificates Child + Adult)1 day practical training + eLearning at our UK wide venues or your place of work
First Aid for Schools 1 day practical training + Optional eLearning fore Early Years at our UK wide venues or at your place of work
First Aid for Colleges + Universities 1 day practical training at your place of work
Pupil First Aid - Online or Practical Training3 hours
First Aid for Parents 6 hours Practical Practical
Anaphylaxis and Asthma 3 hours online
Online Meningitis & Sepsis3 hours online
L 2 First Aid for Mental Health - Adult(1 day Practical or Virtual via Teams Level 2 or at your place of work )
L 3 First Aid for Mental Health(2 day Practical or Virtual via Teams RQF 3)
Food Hygiene & Feeding Safely for EYFSLevel 2 - Virtual 3hr
Fire Marshalhalf-day practical training delivered as virtual or at your place of work